Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Today was interesting.  The man who donated the funds for the New Life Centre came to visit from the States.  He's an older man  but he is active and loves the Lord. Two other Americans came with him for their first time.  It was fun to see their reactions to the activities here - they laughed and cried.

The girls did a great job with entertainment and such.  We had testimonies, dancing, singing, devotions, relay races and netball.  Good times.

One of the girls, Brenda, told her story today.  Her father is a drunkard and has beaten her for years.  Growing up she had to work for relatives in order to pay her PTA fees for school (about $5 a term for primary).  And when she'd enroll her father would beat her and tell her she was wasting her time because she'd never succeed, but she went anyway.  The father even held her at gunpoint at one point in his anger.

The first week she was here she told me that she'd love to go back to school.  She graduated Primary and wants to pursue secondary.  Brenda asked again today (she doesn't know that she's already on the list).  I asked her what her father would say about her continuing her education.  She responded very matter-of-factly "he'll beat me."  The desire this girl has for an education is incredible.  While we're hoping her sister will allow her to move in with her so she can avoid the abuse of the father, it's telling that she would be willing to be beaten so she can go to school.

I'm beginning to get sad because people are starting to talk about how I'm leaving on Sunday.  I could stay here longer. I love the community so much, I feel so at home here.

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