Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Aber and Avatar


I've created a new game I like to call Weird Kids out with American Things.

For instance, you show a 3 year old a video clip of their mom on your computer and watch them run behind the screen to see how she got in there.  Show a kid a full sized mirror.  Let them play with a faucet.  Teach them the chicken dance.  Put their picture on the projector.

Today I put Avatar on for some of the kids.  None of the moms were around so I had no help with translations but they were asking me so many questions about the movie.  I have no idea what they asked but I assume it was something like "why are these people blue?"  or "is this real?" or "is this what people look like in America?"  I would have loved to know.

On to a more serious note, one of the girls, Janet, called her husband from my phone today.  He abandoned her while she was pregnant with her daughter, Aber (meaning, "Beautiful).  She called to ask him to pay the school fees of Innocent, her 5 year old son.  When they finished she told me a bit more about him.  I knew from before that he had cheated on her and gave her and her (then baby) daughter AIDS.  She told me today that "he likes women too much."  That all he does is go from woman to woman.  This man knows that he has AIDS and yet he has sex with as many women as possible.

Should this be illegal?  If a man knows that he is infected should he have to inform the women before he sleeps with them?

Janet then explained how worried she is about her daughter's future and that her only hope is to go back to school for tailoring to make a bit of money for school fees etc. since she's often too tired from being sick to work in the fields.

She's actually on our list of girls to receive a scholarship but she hasn't been informed yet (as we're trying to avoid jealousy among the girls), I'm praying that she can use this boost to lessen her fears of failing her kids.

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