Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Picture Updates

We went to this place called Kasubi Tombs last weekend which is the largest grass hut in the entire world and it is the resting place for the last 4 kings of Buganda.  The first one buried there was the king who invited the missionaries into the country in the 1860s.  He had 84 wives which seems a bit overkill but whatever.  Anyhow it was pretty amazing and here are some pictures...

We also went to this amazing dancing thing two weeks ago (I think I wrote about it but forgot to add pictures - here they are!)

(If this wasn't blurry you'd see that this woman is dancing with 6 pots on her head.)

Sunday, November 15, 2009


One of my good friends, Phil, from Messiah is studying in Uganda with another program and we finally hung out yesterday!

It was fun catching up but it was even more fun to see somebody that I knew from home in situations that we don't have at Messiah.  It was kind of a relief to have one of my friends talking in terms that I know but most people from home wouldn't, being in a context that would be completely foreign to most.  For example, how many of you use these phrases in common speech:
- Boda-boda
- Matatu
- Airtime
- Mzungu
- Museveni
- Old taxi park
- Shillings
- Oweno
- Matoke
- Posho
etc. etc.

I also got to meet Suzan :-)

Phil Wil and me.

Phil Wil and Suzan!

One of many random things to be witnessed in Kampala.