Saturday, August 29, 2009

Paid Friends.

We met our paid friends today and they took us around Kigali, I'd like to say I understand the layout of the city better but in reality I'm just way more confused! Public transport seems way harder than I thought it would be!

Anyhow, check out this video we made when we were bored the other day!

Friday, August 28, 2009


It’s funny because everywhere we drive there are kids and people walking, working or doing something on the side of the road and the majority of the time they wave and yell, “Mzungu!” (Ma-zoon-goo) which means “white person!” I don’t think that it’s very often that a bus load of white college students drive through the countryside because kids get extremely excited. It's funny, I want to stop in all the villages and play with the kids because they are ADORABLE. I could seriously spend the entire semester just playing with the local kids.

Driving is fun too because the roads are mostly paved but have potholes that I swear you could get lost in, so the entire time we are dodging holes and bouncing around on the narrow roads that wind through the hills. Fortunately we have a skilled driver who not only avoided falling into potholes but also managed to not hit any bicyclists or motorcycles (which drive like maniacs), and there are way more motor cycles (or "bodas") than cars.


So we went to Queen Elizabeth National Park (about 9 hours from Kampala) and stayed in a pretty cool hostel, we would all pile into the bus at 6:30am and drive through the savannah. Amazing? Yes. What we saw: water buffalo, elephants, water backs, hyenas, wart hogs, lions, baboons, hippos, a mongoose, cobs, crocodiles, etc (Pictures to follow).


Today we drove 10 hours to Kigali, Rwanda and moved into our home for the next 5 weeks. The house is really nice (I had a hot shower for the second day in aFont size row… even if the water went out for about 5 minutes in the middle of it). We haven’t really had any time to explore but I’m sure we will get around tomorrow a bit. In fact, they pay local young people to be our friends in order for us to learn a bit about how to get around etc. Classes start on Monday!

Just a few pictures...

Monday, August 24, 2009


I'm officially in Uganda, flights were great (slept during both) and I'm really liking the people that I'm here with. Driving from Entebbe to Kampala was very cool, lots of things to look at and lots of activities going on. Get to explore the city today and then the safari begins tomorrow!