Sunday, July 11, 2010

Itye Maber?

-  I made a mistake -Washing all of my underwear last night without thinking about the dilemma between wet underwear and no underwear that I would have in the morning.

-  In other news, I deleted solitaire and all 5 seasons of How I Met Your Mother from my computer.

Today I traveled with Josephine to the school where her daughter is attending.  She's doing well in school but you can tell she misses her mom, being in a boarding school at the age of 6 has to be hard.  I don't know how so many kids do it, when I was 6 I was still a wild child!

I always find it fascinating to travel to the areas around here.  It makes you realize how hard it was to protect the people here from the rebels when they were attacking.  Previously, most people lived on their own plots of land with maybe 3 or 4 huts together. The next hut could be a half mile away or more.  Then think about the area around it; the grass in the bush can be 6 feet tall, which was easy for rebels to hide in and then attack the hut, killing the people, abducting them or stealing food and anything useful.

But now that the rebels are gone some people are moving away from the IDP camps and back to the former way of living.  And it seems to be going well for those who can afford to rebuild their houses.  Unfortunately, many can't rebuild or don't own any land (land passes through the paternal side of the family but with broken families due to the war, separation and AIDS, many have no inheritance).

This week is going to be crazy busy, I'm traveling to the field every day to talk with girls who are hoping to get into school with our scholarships.  I'm praying that we get the right girls and that this can really transform their lives.  Will update you soon.

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