Saturday, June 26, 2010

Various thoughts.

I thought I'd just tell you about different things I've noticed/experienced lately.

  • I was driving through the bush from one of the villages that is really far from town.  We passed some school children who were going home.  As we drove by all of the girls knelt in respect for our vehicle. And it wasn't like they saw me and knew I was a foreigner, I was in the back seat.  But at this specific school they're taught to kneel when somebody passes while the boys can yell and wave and do whatever.  What does this teach them about gender roles?  The other Ugandans I was traveling with said they don't support that kind of education but that in the schools deep in the bush that is what's taught.
  • An American grad student came to the Centre one day last week for part of her research.  I was typing away when she came and didn't say anything to her because she was talking to my supervisor.  When they were done she sat waiting, I asked her a couple questions like "where are you in school" but that was about all.  When she left the man who works in my office just started laughing and said "I will never understand your culture, if we see someone of the same color skin we think they're our brother and we greet them and are excited, but you guys don't treat each other any differently."  
  • My friend Phil Wilmot and Susan Abong came to visit yesterday, they're traveling through Uganda together and stopped here for the weekend!
  • I've been able to talk to a lot of girls who are wanting to go back to school.  It's so encouraging.  One even went to tailoring school already, she was able to pay the $5 admission fee but she doesn't have any fabric or anything to work with so she just sits and watches. We're going to pay the rest of her fees and buy her the needles and fabrics she needs so she can put what she's learning into practice.
  • God is good.  All the time.  These girls teach me that much more than I could ever teach them.

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