Sunday, September 6, 2009

Not always fun. But necessary.

I am finding it impossible to comprehend that one human being has the psychological capacity to kill another human. I know that there are instances of murder (even mass murder) everywhere but it's easy to blame the random instances on insanity or pure hatred for another person. But how is it possible to be human and take the lives of so many innocent people in separate occasions? People that were your neighbors last week? How could you possibly kill the children that your kids played with? How does this happen?

We went to the Kigali Genocide Memorial yesterday. There are almost 300,000 people buried in mass graves on this rather small plot of land. 300,000. I can't comprehend that many lives and it's only 30% of those who died. Each one brutally murdered. It wasn't a bomb that wiped them all out. Each one had its own killer and story.

The thing that got me the most was the children's memorial. I can understand that children are murdered. It happens But we look at those murders as ironic cases of insanity. But how were so many people able to do that? To look at a small child and then end their lives. And not just kill them quickly, but make them suffer before they finally died of loss of blood or some other cruel end.

They had a whole area for the children that died. Including this child one below. But the ones that got me most were this 7 year old who's last words were "mom where should I run?" and another who was killed by being stabbed in the eyes and then head. First off, imagine the human beings that could do that to each of them. And second, think about the mothers who had to helplessly watch before facing their own death.

Everyone says we're supposed to "process" experiences like this. But I'm not even sure how you process something like that. I'm not completely sure that you can.

On another note, the sketchy tickets that we bought for the football (soccer) game worked. We lucked into front row seats at about the 45 yard line. Nice, I know. Rwanda lost 1-0 to Egypt but it was an amazing experience. I think everyone should go to an international football (soccer - for you Americans) game at least once in their lives.


  1. What a sweet picture of that little boy. And for every picture, there were thousands others whose pictures didn't get put up. I can only imagine the fear in those sweet eyes....

  2. I can't get my head around this killing people stuff either! I was talking to my friend who has been out in Iraq the other day and I just don't understand how people can look another human being in the face and then kill them and not even feel bad about it because they some how feel that person deserved it...who deserves that?
    It sounds like you've seen some eye opening stuff but it all sounds amazing and life changing...its making me want to go out to Africa to nurse more than ever now!! Love you and what you are doing SOOO much xxx
