Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Some Things I've Discovered

  • Cars and motorcycles will not slow down if you are crossing the road. In fact, they will probably speed up.
  • If someone calls "sista sista" they are neither imitating the Disney tv show nor confusing you with one of their family members.
  • You're paying too much if lunch costs you more than 2,000 francs ($3.57).
  • If someone at the market says they will give you a good price for an item - you're still going to pay the mzungu price.
  • Nobody cares about the NFL.
  • My feet will never again be clean.
  • Aerobics class will have more men than women in attendence.
  • You never know when you'll be walking down the street and you'll spot a man peeing in the corner.
  • The locals will laugh when you attempt to speak their language.
  • I am not cut out to have 15 children because the amount of dishes to do are outrageous!!
  • Many bathrooms will not have toilet paper (bring your own).
  • African Tea is amazing.
  • Pineapple here is a million times better than pineapple at home!

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