Saturday, September 5, 2009

There is no TicketMaster in Rwanda

There's a soccer game today. Egypt vs. Rwanda. We all decided that it would be fun to go. Easy enough right? No. We stopped by the stadium (which is less than a half mile from our house) last week and asked when we could buy the tickets. They didn't know but said we should come the day of the game to get them. Soo, Rachel and I collected 5,000 Francs from everyone and headed up there this morning. We asked the men there where we could get them, and they sent us to the local super markets to get them. (Yeah we were confused too). Well the super markets we talked to all thought we were just whacked out Mzungus. So we headed back to the stadium, asked another security guard and proceeded to follow where he pointed. Ends up it was to a man with an open backpack at his feet with tickets falling out. Apparently he was the ticket vendor?

So we now have 17 tickets that we think are legit but that we aren't entirely sure about. I'll let you know!

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