Monday, September 14, 2009

Northern Uganda here I come!

So we have this thing called practicum where for a month we are assigned to a cite in either Uganda, Rwanda or Ethiopia. We got to apply for our top three choices and......

I'm going to Kitgum!
Yes, you may think "Northern Uganda, isn't that the unsafe part of the country?" Well, at one time it was unsafe. The LRA (Lord's Resistance Army) ravaged the area a few years ago- but they haven't been anywhere in Uganda in the last 3 years. (They are now in the Central African Republic... but that's another story that you can follow on BBC if you so desire). Basically Food for the Hungry wouldn't send me there if it was even the least bit dangerous so don't worry.

So yeah, kitgum. There is place there called the New Life Center. It's like a rehabilitation center for women who were abducted by the LRA to be raped, impregnated and terrorized (the LRA was last there 4 years ago). The girls have been released or have escaped and this center is a 12 week program for the girls (many who are young mothers to children from LRA soldiers) to be able to reintegrate themselves into society. Many of them come home to no living family and are traumatized so rehabilitation is extremely important. I have no idea in what capacity I will be working there but it's like an internship so I'm ready for anything.

Check out more:

I'm thrilled that God has given me this opportunity and I'm excited to see how it works out. I leave for practicum at the end of September! I know this is where God wants me to be and that is by far the most comforting feeling ever.

I'll let you know more when I find out! As for this week... it's my last week of normal classes in Rwanda which is strange because I feel like I just got here! (We don't leave the country for 2 more weeks though).

Oh and today's my birthday and I can think of no better way to spend it than in Kigali, Rwanda.


  1. Happy 20th birthday, sweetie. I miss having you here, no one to bake a birthday cake for (did I EVER bake you a birthday cake or did I always buy one??).

  2. Happy Birthday, Meg. I know your birthday card will be late but I have been thinking about you all day.

  3. i feel dumb for talking to you on your birthday and not even realizing it.
    sorry love.
    happy birthday anyway =)
    and it sounds like the new Life Center is going to be awesome. i can't wait to hear more about what you actually do there!!

  4. This is going to be AMAZING!!! I'm SO excited for you...I can't wait to hear all about it! Maybe one day we can go and nurse in Africa together and go to the center, I think it would be super intresting! I love reading your blog :)
    Can't wait to see you, we'll have to go and visit Zsa Zsa's Granny who was born in Uganda!!
    Love you...and HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY!!!
