Thursday, September 17, 2009

Mvuga Icyongereza n'Ikinyarwanda.

I've never taught anybody a new language. So going into PHARP to teach girls English was extremely intimidating at the beginning. Butt we've been going for a few weeks now and it's been fabulous. The girls have been wonderful and patient with us. We've done numbers, colors, days of the week, common greetings, clothing, a couple emotions and today we even ventured into some harder verbs! They are learning English so much faster than we are learning Kinyarwanda. Then again Kinyarwanda is a bit more difficult.

Would you like to learn some?

Mweramutze - Good morning
Murakoze cyane - Thank you very much
Ifunguro rya mu gitondo - Breakfast (try saying that one when you wake up)
Iherena ryo ku gutwi - earring
Kugena ku maguru - to walk

I like it, but I think I'll stick to English for now.

Other than that we've done some great classic songs like "head, shoulders, knees and toes" and the ABCs. My favorite so far has been the song I will call upon the Lord. They seem to really like it and while they don't yet know what it's saying they know it's a praise song and it's great. I'll have to record it sometime and put it on here.



  1. Why are you showing them your foot?

  2. And why is it sooooooo dirty? ;-)
    Your mom taught you better. Love you.
