Sunday, September 13, 2009


So we went to Kibuye this weekend and I could go on for days about it but I'll spare you and try to keep it short.

Drive there:
I don't think I've ever been on a windier road than the one we took from Kigali to Kibuye! It wasn't bad though, I've learned to put complete trust in whoever is driving us because each time I swear we are going to die. One interesting thing was that we passed like 30 UN vehicles that were parked on the side of the road that were apparently going to be taken into the Congo. We also passed what looked like a refugee camp which was actually a camp for Hutus that participated in the genocide. They do lots of community service around the country which is cool, good way to use prisoners instead of just making them rot in a prison cell.

So we got to Kibuye (which is situated on the beautiful Lake Kivu) and the first thing we did was jump into the lake and swim to this little peninsula! It was fabulous, the water was so refreshing and it was great to be out of the city. Oh but being in Africa we figured we probably should try to keep the water out of our mouths, but that lasted all of about 5 seconds. As Mallory said "We're all going to get parasites for sure!"

The next day was perfect: I woke up at 6, went to the little beach and read my bible while swinging on a wooden swing until I got the motivation (from Aryn) to go swimming. So I woke my roomie, Christy, up and we swam :-) After lunch we went on a boatride that was out of this world. We went to this island where we son thousands of bats (see below) and then hiked to the top. Oh and we could see the Congo (which is arguably one of the most dangerous places in the world right now).

This morning (Sunday) I woke up at 5:45, met up with Mallory and Noel and went down to the lake. There's a hotel across our area of the lake and we kept talking about how cool it would be to swim there. So we did :-) It took about 45 minutes to get there but it was such a great swim!

This is where we swam^^

Anyhow, Kibuye was amazing. You should all go there next time you're in Rwanda. I also found out what site I'll be at during our 4 week practicum! I'll write more on that later!

These are all the kids from Messiah! ^^^


  1. Did you forget that the oral surgeon said absolutely no swimming for 3 months after your wisdom teeth were removed??????
