Sunday, July 18, 2010


So I got a call at 6:40 this morning from my cook Concy.  "Meg - are you coming to church?"  "I'm in bed Concy"  "Me too but I'm coming to get you."  I usually go to church at the service that's held on our compound but Concy always asks me to come to hers.  So I got out of bed today and headed out with her.

Thankfully for me, the early service is in English so I understood both the songs and the sermon - which I think is a first... ever.  So we jumped, danced and "ayayayayaed."  The church has a ton of people from FH, three of the pastors are coordinators at FH, the guy playing the keyboard is the guy that washes vehicles and cuts the grass, three people in the choir are on staff and the charismatic man leading worship is the quiet office assistant who sweeps and makes tea.  Lots of others are also members.  It's fun to see them in another context

So I sat there really enjoying the service, even with the small kid who sat next to me and just rubbed my arm to see if my color would show up on his hand.

I'm on the way to the orphanage now!


1 comment:

  1. Ya, it's amazing to me how much I long to worship/hear a sermon in a context I understand. It hasn't been all in another language for me (although some of it has) but there's something about worshiping in a familiar way. It's great that you could have a taste of that!!
    And the little boy...precious!
