Monday, June 7, 2010

This weekend was really great; since the women haven’t come to the center yet and the staff was gone I got to spend a lot of time with the two girls who motivated me to start this scholarship program.  On Saturday Josephine and I went into town and bought a bicycle (with money two of my friends from school gave me) for her so that she can travel to school (which is more than an hour’s walk) easier.  I also got to discuss with them the difficulties that are having with going to school, like not having enough food or money to buy things like soap and ways that we can fix that.

On Sunday I went to church, which isn’t called church here, it’s called “prayer.”  So it’s not “are you going to church?” but rather, “are you going to pray?”  The service is actually held in the pavilion on our compound so that’s convenient.  There is an organization here called “Far Reaching Ministries,” they work with orphanages, churches (including the one here) and other things.  Anyhow, there are always one or two Americans here in Kitgum with them; there is a new family since last time I was here, they have two biological kids and have adopted 7 or 8 Ugandan children.  I liked them immediately. 
On another note, if you were reading my blog last time you may remember that I lost my Bible here.  Well, guess what showed up this morning?  Yeah, my bible.  And better yet, I left my new Bible in Egypt so once again I was Bible-less in Kitgum.  It’s awesome to have it back, funny how those things work.

Also, it's rainy season now so it's rained a little bit about every other day.  Last time I think it rained once the whole time we were here!


  1. Finding your Bible after all this time, and all the miles you've traveled since December, is truly awesome.

  2. But what's with losing the other bible in Egypt?? We need to connect your bible to you with a string.

  3. meg...every time i read your blogs, i'm smiling the whole time =)
    yay for your Bible!
    and that's awesome for the bike and Josephine. tell her that one of your friends in the States is praying for her =) and you as well!!
