Saturday, June 12, 2010


Oh my gosh, I just had the all time scariest moment that I've had so far.  Let me preface this by saying I was not in mortal danger.

So, last weekend some of the security guards were showing me the "queen" of this type of ant that is here.  They're called white ants.  Don't be fooled though these are nothing like our ants.  They are as big as grasshoppers and have huge, loud wings.  Anyhow, the queen was absolutely disgusting because it was laying eggs.

Anyhow, I got past that.  Then tonight I was sitting with some of the girls here at the center.  It started getting dark and as I began to leave I noticed this bug flying near the light, one girl told me "white ants, they've very nice to eat."  No thanks, I chuckled and then kept walking.  So I get to my room and turn on the lights.  And there it was, one big white ant flying around my light.  "HELL  NO" I thought, and maybe said.  I turned on the light to the other room (my house is two rooms) and turned mine off.  I fooled it and it left.  Shut the door and took a shower.

So I get out of the shower and I'm pretty happy, it's been a good day.  I'm ready to go get dinner (it's almost 8pm) and I open the door... to find hundreds of white ants flying all around that room.  I slammed the door shut, mumbled some expletives like "oh golly this is bad" and "gee wiz, get me the heck out of here."  (it may not have been in those exact terms but you get the point)

But it didn't end there, they started coming into my room under the door!  Fluttering around making all kinds of terrible noises.  I hit the lights and dove for cover under my mosquito net (which I've never been as happy to have).  As I sat there trembling I heard these bugs everywhere around me.  I slowly heard the sounds diminish as they followed the light and left under the door at which point I jumped out of my hiding place, grabbed a blanket and threw it over the base of the door.

Whew, I think they're all out, except for the fact that above the door is a window type thing that you can't close. But they seem to like the light so I thought I was in the clear and that they'd stay in that room.  No.  Of course the power chose now to go out.  So that room is dark.

I am now writing this from under a big blanket to block the light of the computer although it must be 100 degrees in my room.

Oh my gosh.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds horrible. It reminds me of when I walked through a row of caterpillars hanging from a tree on my way to the library. I hope the white ants don't come back too often! Let me know if you would like me to send some bug-repelling candles/incense or bug swatters!
