Sunday, June 13, 2010

Ant Update

Good news: I woke up to find that there were hundreds of white ant carcases (which I found out are a kind of termite) on the floor and not still flying.

Better news: My friend came over and as she cracked up about me being afraid of them, swept them all up for me.

Strange news: She took them to the girls here at the centre to pluck their wings and add to the thousands of white ants that they caught last night to prepare to eat.

Pictures to come, the power is out and my computer is running low on battery.  (I have a wireless modem so electricity doesn't affect the internet).



  1. Meg, there is a spider in my kitchen and I am freaking.....

  2. My nephew Joshua hates "bugs" too. Except he's only 2 and you're like 20... :) They told us about those for Burkina! Maybe this means I missed them. Darn. Glad to hear you made it through with your life!
