Saturday, June 5, 2010

Readjusting to Life in Kitgum

Meeting with Josephine again was great, we got to talk about things that she needs in order to go to school on Monday.  For example, she was able to rent a room near the school for $10 a month so we went out and bought a mattress, lantern, soap etc.  As we walked back to where she is staying I was carrying the rolled up mattress and everyone was shouting to me to carry it on my head.  I tried and it fell off.  I still haven’t mastered the whole using your head instead of your hands thing.
The new group of girls that are coming to the centre don’t come until Monday so the compound is extremely quiet this weekend with me being the only one living here.  So instead of sitting here all day I’ve decided to go to Josephine’s daughter’s primary school.  She was able to start school last term thanks to a very early donation and is apparently excelling and loving every minute of it.  I can’t wait to see her.
Onto even more exciting news, the white rice, white flour, oil and beans diet has begun.  Yummm.

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