Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Kitgum and Lost Things

I went back to Kitgum again last weekend.  A bunch of people wanted to come so it was great.  Also, we were fortunate to leave early enough in the morning to miss the severe punishment of house/kampala arrest that the other half of our group had to deal with for the weekend due to someone breaking some rules.

So we got to Kitgum and had an amazing time.  The girls were so excited to see us and I just embraced every minute of it knowing that it would be my last time in Kitgum for a while.  We did the normal Kitgum stuff: danced/played drums, hung out with the girls, played with the little kids and did other Kitgum kinds of things.

It amazes me every time I go up there how attracted I am to the area.

We had two former Go-ed students come and talk to us about how after they finished school they moved back to Uganda and started a home for street children.  It was motivating to realize that they actually followed their desire to come back.

I know God has me here and I'm just hoping I follow through with that call.

Another interesting thing about my life is that I lost two items that are extremely important to me:
1. My Bible - Which I can obviously replace but this one has all my highlights and quotes written in it from when I was a baby Christian that mean a lot to me.  Baby Christian means my 16 year old self.
2. My camera which I spent almost a full paycheck on and am in love with.  (Fortunately all my pictures are on my computer)  But I spent a ton of time picking it out and obsessing over it because it was a hefty investment.


Anyhow it's weird that I only have a day and a half here.  I'm not ready to go.

1 comment:

  1. sorry about your lost stuff. i must say i love jess and abby (we did go ed together) and i have a dream to go to kitgum. so this makes my heart happy.
