Friday, December 4, 2009

Things I've been called

Wow two posts in one night.  Crazy.  Thought I'd write about some of the names I've been called by people here, specifically boda drivers and street vendors.

Hey/How are you/Hello_________ (fill in the blank)

  • Mzungu (most common)
  • America
  • Baby
  • Mama
  • Wife
  • Sista
  • Obama
  • Obama's wife
  • Customa
  • Jennifer/Sarah/Kate/other very white names
Oh and here's a nice text that I got from some guy who was carving a piece of wood for me.  He had my number so he could call me when he was finished - but instead wrote this...

"Baby girl when my eyes did contact with urs my heart was like hoocked up with joy and geuss what u did set my enortions in love because u're beautiful.My dear am  wishing to khow more about u and fall heads over hills love with u.I promise u a bravely, faithfully and cheerfully love as i can.My dear... i khow that words don't matter cause it takes a second to say i love u but a lifetime to show it."

^^^Needless to say, I did not respond to this text, or go back to pick it up without a guy with me.

1 comment:

  1. hahaha i LOVE this. sad i wasn't there for the obama craze. that's amazing! once i got rid of a male suitor in the taxi park by telling him i couldn't make matoke. don't underestimate the power of that statement! hahaha
