Monday, November 9, 2009


I thought this posted on Saturday but apparently it didn't.  So here's it is.

I went to my first African wedding today!  And guess what?  It wasn't much different than an American wedding in most ways.  The bride and groom are both Christians so it was a traditional church wedding.

- Nobody arrived on time.  TIA.  I love it.
- The videographer kept filming us (the only 6 white people) which got annoying because he kept holding the flood light in our eyes.
- There was no alcohol (they are both "born again" Christians which means no drinking...ever).
- The bride's family speaks one language, the grooms another, and the bride and groom speak English because they don't know the others local language.
- The bride's clan presented them with gifts like a broom, a pot, seeds, chickens and a goat.
     -Yes.  They brought a goat to the reception.  And yes, naturally it chose that moment to relieve itself.

Anyhow, it was good, the bride and groom are great together (I know the groom because he works with FH and was in Kitgum for some of the time I was there).  Today was good.


  1. I would love to participate in sponsoring the girls...Mary Ann Atman

  2. That would be fabulous Mrs. Atman! I do not have the information all sorted out quite yet but I'm working on it and should know more about logistics in the next few weeks! Thanks for being such a blessing!
