Friday, October 30, 2009

Today is my last day in Kitgum.  I would love to stay here longer but classes in Kampala start on Monday.  It's been really hard for me to leave these girls.  Lilly, with tears in her eyes, told me that I am the only person she has been able to talk with about her past and her struggles and that I'm the only person that can help her.  I am going to help her get back to school.  But I know it is much more than schooling that she needs help with and I wish that I could do more.  Josephine just keeps saying "life is going to be very difficult."

I would love to come back here.  I know that I will be here again, I just don't know when God will provide a way.

I have promised Lilly and Josephine that if they would like to go back to school that I would support them.  I will post about that later and see if any of you would be interested in helping to support either them or another girl here.

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