Friday, October 2, 2009

Not today.

Slight change of plans.  It has been decided that I should see a doctor here in Kampala before going to Kitgum (where there aren't many doctors).  So instead of flying out this morning I will be flying out on the next flight.  Which happens to be 3 days from now (Monday).

I'm really frustrated which I have no right to be, I know it's in the programs best interest to at least attempt to find out if something is wrong rather than to send me away in hopes that I don't get sick again.  I'm just used to being responsible for decisions like this.  I'm used to being the one to decide if I need treatment, if I need to see someone or if I can just wait it out.  So having others be responsible for that is messing with my control issues.

I think it's also the fact that I've been laying low the last week or so and haven't been out much and haven't socialized much because of the way I was feeling.  So being the only student to not leave today or tomorrow morning will mean I am the only one left.  Which will not only mean I'm alone, but will also mean that I will be (and already am) an inconvenience to the staff. 

Sorry this is a selfish post.  I realize that whether I go to Kitgum today or Monday will not affect anything globally.  It's self-centered that I want to get there now purely so I can experience it sooner, I won't even be starting the work part until Monday anyway.  So I apologize for the vent.  And I will update this when I find anything out.


  1. I'm sorry things arent going according to plan! In some ways this reminds me of when I was on a mission trip to build houses in Mexico and after only 2 days we had to flee Hurricane Emily. I know its frustrating but God has a plan! Vent away- and I'm praying things work out soon!

  2. Hey Megan,

    We are praying for you and a complete healing of your belly! Hang in there.
