Monday, July 5, 2010

Poverty is the worst form of violence. - Mahatma Gandhi

I've been thinking about this a lot and was hoping to expound on it.  But I've decided not to. So here's all I'll say:

If in order for the world to have the "haves" (us), does it also need to have the "have-nots?"  And, if this is true, does having, in turn, actually make us violent?



  1. My answer to that would be "No, it does not make us violent." We were lucky enough to be born in an extremely blessed country and lucky enough to be born into families who had the means and the belief that education is paramount. That does not make us bad people, violent people, selfish people. Only malicious actions can do that.

  2. Being in Uganda and Rwanda made me incredibly aware how tied up my humanity is with that of those in countries far from the USA. I think one of my biggest realizations was just that I cannot live contently knowing that there are others who have far less than I do. My life is now completely tied up with Josephine's, Lilly's, Aidah's, and Bora's. This is ubuntu. What I do affects the whole world. Therefore I do not see myself as violent or as completely innocent, but rather a person who is continually striving to make myself more of a have-not while working with the have-nots to have-more,all while knowing it is only God who can truly bring this about.
