Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Day 1

I made it!  Woo hoo!

Today was the first day of my internship (my title is: Gender Based Violence and Peacekeeping Assistant).  My first task was to assemble a whole slew of data into a spreadsheet to make graphs etc.  (I know Dad, gasp now).  If you've ever been around me while I was on excel, you'll know that I hate it.  It typically ends with me cussing and throwing things.  When I need to use it at school I still have to call my Dad and ask about all the shortcuts etc.  Anyhow my 9th grade computer class kicked in today and I somehow managed to remember how to do it and produced a product that my supervisor was surprised at.  :-)

The women for the rehab do not arrive until Monday.  There will be 28 women and 30 little kids.  I'm excited!

The center I'm at runs on a generator so electricity (and thus internet) is sketchy.  I will try to update this often but there are certainly no guarantees.  That was ironic, as I typed the word guarantees we lost power.

PS.  It's got to be 100 degrees here!

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