Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Electronics and I do not get along.  Never have, never will.

I sent the camera I bought before studying abroad in to be fixed - they said it would be back in time for my trip.  Not to be.  So I'm now borrowing my mom's, which is good but doesn't have near the zoom or mega-pixels as mine.

Then at JFK I plugged in my computer to try and get online (don't be fooled, it's not free like in Pittsburgh).  I was talking on the phone as I packed up my stuff and walked to my plane.  Got on the plane and realized - no charger, left it plugged in.  I asked to run and get it but they said it was too late (although we waited at the gate for another 20 minutes).

Thus, I am without my camera and my charger.  Good start :-)

My flight leaves Rome for Cairo in about two hours.  I'll be in Egypt until Sunday night, staying with my Dad's cousin then off to Uganda!


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